
File-system Based Routing

Zero serves routes based on file structure. If you write a function that resides in ./api/login.js it's exposed at http://<SERVER>/api/login. Similarly if you put a React page under ./about.jsx it will be served at http://<SERVER>/about

404 Page

Create a ./404.js file (or a .jsx, .vue, .py, etc) to catch all requests to pages that don't exist.

Dynamic Routes (Pretty URL Slugs)

Zero decides routes based on file structure. Most projects also require dynamic routes like /user/luke and /user/anakin. Where luke and anakin are parameters. Zero natively supports this type of routes: any file or folder that starts with $ is considered a dynamic route.

So if you create ./user/$username.js and then from browser visit /user/luke, Zero will send that request to $username.js file and set req.params to {username: 'luke'}. Code for this:

└── user/
└── $username.js <- this file
module.exports = function(req, res) {
console.log(req.params); // = {username: 'luke'} when user visits /user/luke
res.send({ params: req.params });

Parameters apply to folder-names too. Another example: if you want to cater /user/luke/messages route, you can handle this with following directory structure:

└── user/
└── $username/
└── index.js
└── messages.js
  • index.js handles /user/:username routes.
  • messages.js handles /user/:username/messages routes.

Tip: $ is used by Bash for variables. So it might be confusing when you do cd $username or mkdir $username and nothing happens. The right way to do this is escaping the $ ie. cd $username or mkdir $username.

.zeroignore file

By default, Zero compiles and serves all files in your project. But most of the time, you don't want to expose a certain file or folder. You can add .zeroignore file to prevent Zero from serving that file as a valid route.


In a project with following structure:

- project/
-- components/
-- api/
-- index.jsx

You probably don't want to expose components directory. To do this, you can create .zeroignore file with the following text:


This will prevent your users from accessing /components path directly.

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